The FIRST blog post, how exciting! And daunting, and scary, but mostly fun.
First off, let me just say with full disclosure here, this blog will be a creative outlet for me. A place where I can write about anything without putting the heavy pressure on myself for it to be perfect or worried about being compared to others. So if you are searching for perfection, this will not be the place for that! I will be unapologetically and transparently learning as I go!

Now, the fun stuff! Those adorable people in the photo above are my entire world. My fiancé Travis, my stepson Colby, and our daughter Riley. Being a new Mom has quite honestly turned my world upside down, in the best way! It is hard for me to even put into words. I want my daughter to be fearless and follow her passions and dreams one day, so I intend to do the same and try to set that example. So with that, Harper House Collective is born!

My intention with this Blog is to dive deeper into some of my interests and to take YOU along on my journey! I love Interior Design, it is absolutely my passion, so there will be plenty of design projects and highlights in this blog. But I also have interests in several other things that I haven't yet had the opportunity to explore. This Blog is my journey. I hope to create a space where I can share my passions, but also introduce my audience to new places, people, and maybe have a few laughs along the way. The laughs will probably be at my expense because if you know me you know there is not a super strong DIY bone in my body, but I have some ideas and I try my best!
I am so excited to see where this journey takes us. More to come, friends!
-Chelsea Harper